Projekte & Gruppen in einer Verzeichnisansicht mit Suche und Kacheln

Create Project Spaces

Just a few clicks are needed to create a collaboration space and start working together - in projects, departments, teams...

  • Select a group template or create your own depending on your needs
  • Widgets and access adapt to your requirements
  • Work together and utilise forums, wikis, documents, tasks...

Decentralized Teams

Connect teammates from different departments or locations easily. A project group allows everyone to work together right on your platform.

Invite External Players

You don't have to create accounts for external players like PR agencies or stakeholders - allow them to access certain groups or documents only for feedback.

Team Documents

Share the Workload

Add any important documents to your project group and work on them with your team.


Our document management system (DMS) allows you to save documents and create different versions of it, showing the file's progress.

Microsoft 365 / Office Integration

Access your Microsoft files directly from XELOS and save them without having to download anything.

Easily Share Documents

Drag&Drop documents into your group to share with your team and make sure everyone will always access the most current version of it. You can also share documents outside of your platform with a public link.

Quick Task Delegation

Task Management, but Smarter

Create and Monitor Tasks

Draw up tasks for yourself or your teammates, adding important info like deadlines and sub-tasks and delegate them. Finished tasks can be archived with a single click. Use our new, practical KANBAN board to keep an eye on everything!

Social Collaboration in XELOS

XELOS adds high benefits for your every-day collaboration with our smart tools. Mention a coworker in a comment, like a post, share documents or chat with an expert. Make your team work better with XELOS.


Start using XELOS now.

We will give you a brief overview of XELOS and you can then test the solution for yourself directly in the cloud without obligation.

There are many ways to implement XELOS - we will be happy to advise you. Contact us now

Known from

IT-Director Magazin Logo
DOK Leipzig Logo
t3n digital pioneers Logo
c’t: Magazin für Computertechnik Logo
Beyond Logo
OMT Logo
Computerwoche Logo

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