Advanced features for a seamless build

Focus on editorial content - without the need for a lengthy development: XELOS for employee apps gives special attention to keeping your employees informed quickly and with professionally edited content.

Dashboard für Redakteure und Administratoren

Content creation made easy

Admins can't take care of everything - that's why we separated the editorial part!

Editors are responsible for content creation, page layout, platform navigation and everything editorial that keeps the intranet up to date and users informed - and our editorial dashboard reflects that. Create interesting content using our WYSIWYG editor and add photos, videos and files to make news more engaging!


Redakteure haben hier alles im Blick: welcher Beitrag ist der beliebteste? Wie viele Nutzer erreiche ich eigentlich? Welche Artikel warten noch auf Freigabe, was wird diese Woche zeitgesteuert veröffentlicht? Ein Dashboard, kein langes Suchen, mehr Zeit für Inhalte.

Bearbeiten von Entwürfen mit Kollegen

Nochmal schnell gecheckt: Teams haben Einsicht auf die Entwürfe und können gemeinsam daran arbeiten. Weils gemeinsam besser wird.

Freigabeprozesse von Seiten und News

Sowohl für Seiten als auch für News können Sie Freigabeprozesse hinterlegen, die den Entwurf an den Prüfer automatisch weiter leiten. So kann Inhalt und Wording nochmal final überprüft werden.

Steuerung der Inhalte an Zielgruppen

Ernennung von Redakteuren für Zielgruppen Teams, Abteilungen, Standorte - Gründe für das gezielte Steuern von Inhalten an unterschiedliche Zielgruppen gibt es viele. Für jede dieser Zielgruppen kann auch ein eigener Redakteur ernannt werden, der den Überblick behält.

Newsdashboard mit einer mobilen Ansicht

Never Miss Anything New

Use our XELOS news feature to modernize your internal communications.

Create content with our smart WYSIWYG editor, add pictures, videos or documents and decide when to publish - or unpublish!

With our latest version, you can request a read confirmation from your intended audience, add videos to your teaser and allow or deny comments on separate articles.

Comment on Content

Start a conversation right where it matters. Comment on most XELOS content and get involved: documents, posts, news...

Status Notifications

Share your opinion or expertise on a topic or post via status noficiations. Explore what's happening across your company or check up on project groups. Your social activity feed holds all relevant activity concerning projects statuses, tasks and developments for your portal. Announce important info for your projects or refer to meetings and dealines. You can also follow your coworkers or separate documents so you'll never miss another piece of info!

Pages mit Auswahl von Inhaltselementen (Abbildung, Text, Button)

Shiny content
– with Pages

The freedom of building content pages exactly how you imagine them, courtesy of our new Pages feature

An editor's darling: Combining appealing design, structured layouts and a plethora of widgets make content creation easy.

Whether with individual designs or uniform templates, Pages is just easy and comfortable to use no matter your users' experience level.

Easy Navigation

The info pages your editors create depict your system's navigation bar. This 1:1 method allows for easy adjustment and absolute flexibility.

Smart Templates

Make use of our original templates or easily create your own, so your XELOS is truly YOUR XELOS.

Flexible Layouts

Creating your own pages, no matter the demand? Super easy when each page can be individually designed by simply dragging layout blocks where you need them.

Filling pages via Drag&Drop

No need for trial and error - as soon as you decide on a layout, simply drag the widgets you want into the empty layout block and adjust them to your liking.

Social Features in XELOS

Static content, while informative, can become boring very fast - social features such as likes and comments are essential to keep your intranet interactive and interesting.


Like someone's content to let them know it was helpful to you.


There can be no productive discussions without the comment feature - make use of this important tool to keep your users coming back.


Mentions allow you to inform your coworkers about interesting and relevant news or documents.

Reach everyone by app

Easy and secure: our native app is available in all common app stores and links device and account.

Especially relevant for your non-desk employees: the QR code for linking can be printed and nothing but a smartphone is needed to stay up to date!


Start using XELOS now.

We will give you a brief overview of XELOS and you can then test the solution for yourself directly in the cloud without obligation.

There are many ways to implement XELOS - we will be happy to advise you. Contact us now

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Looking for a solution for Homeoffice and #NewWork? XELOS can help you.