Social Features

An intranet without social features reduces user acceptance. Once purchased, the employee platform must have the necessary features to remain interactive and exciting - which is why we have equipped XELOS with the important social interactions.

Likes & Reactions

News articles, pages, comments: users use reactions to express their opinion on a post. For example, a classic “Like”, a heart, congratulations, but also happy, surprised or sad emojis can be used to express a wide variety of reactions.

Kommentare unterhalb eines Beitrags


Comments are also an important tool for keeping users active. Users have the opportunity to comment on news posts, tasks, status messages etc. in real time. They can give colleagues direct feedback, announce important information about projects and much more.

Kollegin wird in einem Kommentar erwähnt


Other users can be made aware of an exciting discussion via mentions and participate directly.


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There are many ways to implement XELOS - we will be happy to advise you. Contact us now

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Looking for a solution for Homeoffice and #NewWork? XELOS can help you.