
Keep an eye
on all activity

Stay up to date and communicate with your project team more effectively in our Activity Stream.

  • Post a status or start a blog
  • Comment on content
  • Share interesting info or files with coworkers and team members
Aufgaben erstellen und im Blick behalten

Stay on top of
tasks and to-do's

Create, manage and complete tasks easily - in collaboration with team members and coworkers.

Never miss a deadline again. Colourful markers keep you on track!

Tidy your KANBAN board with just one click by archiving finished tasks.

Dokument verwalten


Use our sophisticated DMS to manage all relevant files within your project group.

Work on files, keep them in a central place and share them with others.

Everything is always up to date with versioned files - XELOS creates a version every time a file is majorly altered. Connect your M365 to benefit from smart file management options that don't require you to download a file to work on it.

Wissen managen im Wiki

Our Wiki –
sharing expertise

Collect precious knowledge for every project with our wiki widget.

Share expertise and knowledge with your coworkers and work on content with others. Versioning makes sure to keep documentation consistent and documents the team's growth.

Never miss important info again and raise the efficiency of your work.


Easily exchange ideas and opinions


This easy to use thread category allows users to discuss as many topics as desired, complete with authorized access.


Idea management was never easier: vote for the best suggestion, without long discussion threads.


Ask questions and get answers, right in your intranet. Best answers can be marked as such to improve the general overview.

Successful projects through XELOS

Create project spaces from scratch or use templates
Newsdashboard mit einer mobilen Ansicht


A smart method for internal communication

Write articles using our handy editor, add pictures and files, set the publication date and request read confirmations.

Communicate centralised or within spaces and send out important notices, announcements, news or dated to your coworkers - quick and easy.


Our calendar –
keep an eye on appointments

Manage important appointments and deadlines within your project space.

Create appointments, invite coworkers or vote on meet-up times.

Use it to keep track of to-do's and their deadlines to never be late for another task.


Start using XELOS now.

We will give you a brief overview of XELOS and you can then test the solution for yourself directly in the cloud without obligation.

There are many ways to implement XELOS - we will be happy to advise you. Contact us now

Known from

IT-Director Magazin Logo
DOK Leipzig Logo
t3n digital pioneers Logo
c’t: Magazin für Computertechnik Logo
Beyond Logo
OMT Logo
Computerwoche Logo

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